Having AccidentGuard Adv provides you with an extra level of financial protection to help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. In the event of an accident, Guardian will pay you a cash benefit for covered expenses regardless of what is paid by your medical insurance. Benefits are paid directly to you and you are free to use them to cover whatever expenses you deem fit. This is a supplement and not a substitute for medical insurance. To enroll, comprehensive hospital, surgical and medical insurance is required.
Rates are for new and renewing groups effective 4/1/2025 — 6/1/2025
Rates are subject to final verification at the time of enrollment. Domestic Partner coverage is included with all carriers. Rates for Domestic Partners will be the same as rates for Employee/Spouse and Family.
This is a summary of plan information. Please refer to the Eligibility Guidelines for further information.
The following billing and administrative fees apply to the following products:Guardian AccidentGuard Adv plan: EE $3.50, EE/Spouse $4.50, EE+Child(ren) $4.50, Family $6.50